This Could Change Your Life
The most effective running programming possible!
"I believe in the power of running. It's not just an ancient method for staying fit; but it has application for modern problems. Life extension, anti-aging benefits, metabolic fitness, muscular tonage, and even cogntive enhancements obtain as a result of effective running. But your running program has to be effective, not just present in your training." -- JASON FRANCE, FOUNDER
To upgrade our clients' running game at Suffer City, we utilize an advanced form of the treadmill called the Xebex Runmill. These are non-motorized, self-propelled "tread" mills that put your muscles to work in order to get moving.

For many first timers who are familiar with traditional, motorized treadmills this can be a bit of a shock at first. But once you get going and feel the power of your legs for the first time, you won't want to run on another machine again.
"We went with the Xebex due to how we program running into our training. First of all, the Runmill is the best non-motorized runner on the market. It's glide technology and responsiveness is remarkable...and all the running our athletes do here carries over to any outdoor running they do, road or trail."
If you're used to the settings of a regular treadmill, prepare to be humbled. Your usual 8.0 mph on a regular treadmill will translate to something more like 6.5 mph on the Xebex Runmill. Which is more representative of what your running performance would be outdoors.
"We deliver the most effective and realistic training experience imaginable in a controlled environment. And our Runmills are a big part of that experience. There's no better tool for rapidly enhancing your health and fitness than running. You just gotta know how to apply it to your training. And once you do, the results are amazing!"

It's the belief that we can't do it or that we won't be good at it that usually stops us from taking on challenges necessary to progress onto greater a versions of ourselves.
No one likes to suck at anything. But it's those who are willing to suck through what's necessary in order to be great are those who become great.
And you deserve deserve the best. At Suffer City you get to practice being your best everyday (except Sunday haha).
Check us out...come take a sesison and achieve more with the greatest training in Gilbert, Arizona.
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